
 Periodic Network




I'm calcium and I absolutely love to travel! I have also recently discovered that I'm not really into the whole relationship thing. I am, not high maintenance per say, but I just expect a lot of people and always seem to get let down. 


Status update:

10/9- Just visited ancient ruins in Greece, it was rockin'.

10/10- Take cover! Here I come, burning bright orange!

10/11- Moo! Baby cows seem to have a thing for me as well!

11/3- Wow the single life sure is fun. I can go out to eat junk food and eat in bed and no one cares! Woo, single for life!

11/4-Chillin' in a chemical equation, the scales seem to be tipping a bit here though! Eek, I seem to have fallen!


I am the fifth most popular element on here! It may not seem like it, but I happen to be a huge softy and, despite what it seems, I am really nice and love to hang out with other elements. In fact, you can almost never find me by myself!  I have a silver complexion which makes me stand out. I am mostly found in ionic bonds as the cation, very rare to find me anywhere else, but not impossible!



Relationship Status: 

Single! Just don't really like anyone on the market right now.

Primary Relationship: 




valence electrons:


reactivity: Commonly reacts with Oxygen and water compounds 
state of matter:  Solid 
Location on Periodic Table: Group two, Period four 




England by Sir Humphry Davy


The Calcium Kid (2004) 

Activities & Interests:

I love to study old animals that have been extinct for years. They have such an interesting history and tell me a lot about creatures from that time. I also enjoy dressing up, but I find that whenever I do, I just look kind of dull. 



10/9- Athens, Greece To see the ruins of Ancient Greece.

10/10- Sacremento, California  To watch some patriotic people blow up fireworks!

10/11- Caroll, Iowa To visit some of my favorite mammals in the world! Cows. 

11/4- On your test I sure hope you know how to balance chemical equations!




Create 2 photo albums:

  • atom and bonding diagrams - these will be done in class and will take time
  • fun images - pictures that contain the element

 every photo must have a caption 

- tag other elements in the pictures



 Atom and Bonding Diagrams











Bohr Diagram of Calcium

P+ 20




Electron Dot Diagram of Calcium

Diagram of Calcium explaining the electrons in a more realistic way.




 Me and my friends - Around the World











Got milk? I love to play hide and seek in tall glasses.

Boo! Halloween is coming! Guess what I'm going to be.

Ka Boom! I glow a bright orange when set on fire. Not that I have ever tried it before or anything.

A picture I took a while back with some friends I was in a band with. We were called calcite.  Carbon and Oxygen

Yum a tum tum tum!  One of my more colorful outfits for sure!




Alkaline Earth Metals, Period 4




Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education, n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2013.

Bentor, Yinon. Chemical - CalciumOct. 17, 2013 <>.

"Bohr Model." Chemistry. Tutor Circle, n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2013.

Helmenstine, Anne M., Ph.D. "Calcium." Chemistry. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013.

Knapp, Brian. Calcium and Magnesium. Danbury, CT: Grolier Educational, 2002. Print.

"Mexico D2." Mexico D2. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2013.

"Our Own Font Creations." Haunt Your Halloween Costume and Prop Shop. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2013.

"Orange Fireworks Explosions." Image of '' N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2013.

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. "The Element Calcium." It's Elemental -. Thomas Jefferson National   

Wynn, L. S. "What Does 200 Calories Look Like?" WiseGeek. Conjecture, n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2013.



add your friends here - make sure you link it and insert their profile pictures    











Periodic Network